Galleria Grafica Collection No.17
11 Oct - 7 Nov

Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday, 11am-7pm final day -to 5pm
Closed on Sundays & National holidays

Beham, Hans Sebald [The Justice of Trajan (Trajanus)]
Bresdin, Rodolphe [La Comédie de la Mort]
Callot, Jacques [Le Tentation de St. Antoine]
Chillida, Eduardo [SUSMUR]
Degas, Edgar [Sur la scène II]
Dürer, Albrecht [Christ in Limbo, from Small Passio]
Gauguin, Paul [MAHNA NO VARUA INO (The Day of the Evil Spirit)]
Giacometti, Alberto [L’Homme qui Marche]
Hasegawa, Kiyoshi [Magie]
Hasegawa, Kiyoshi [Danse B]
Hasegawa, Kiyoshi [Oiseau, Fleurs et Fruits]
Manet, Edouard [Olympia]
Matisse, Henri [Odalisque couchée]
Meckenem, Israhel van [The Betrayal of Christ (from the Passion)]
Meryon, Charles [L’Abside de Notre-Dame de Paris]
Morandi, Giorgio [Natura morta con quattro oggetti e tre bottiglie]
Nicholson, Ben [Torcello I]
Picasso, Pablo [Buste d’Homme]
Picasso, Pablo [Tête de Femme, Françoise (from Francesco Petrarca, Cinq Sonnets de Petrarque)]
Picasso, Pablo [Marie-Thérèse, en vestale, veillant le Minotaure endormi]
Rembrandt van Rijn [Rembrandt Leaning on a Stone Sill]
Ryman, Robert [Etching in four parts]
Vogeler, Heinrich [Liebe]
Wols [Visages]

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